Numerology is the study of numbers in reference to the living beings. The origin of numerology is unknown but it had been practiced from many centuries.
The power of numbers were recognized by the civilizations of Egypt and Babylon many-many years ago. It is believed that Pythagoras, who was a Greek mathematician and philosopher (569-470 B.C.) is the inventor of the numerology system used today.
Through numerology a lot can be known about the life, nature, behavior, objectives and various characteristics of an individual's life. Every English alphabet has a number value which is calculated to take out the meaning from the person's name and the date of birth.
Every number has its vibrations which colour our life accordingly. God has provided the key for every lock. We are given the tools, just need to know when and how. We use the Power of Numbers and help you in choosing your successful path.
And God spoke in Numbers.