
Magnified Healing

As a member of the Karmic Board, mother Kwan Yin, is the first to speak out for those who have struggled against all odds and have no place to turn in their life save to the Presence of God. When they have recognized this as the Court of Last Resort with which they can count on, she will then plea for their case and put into the Treasury of the Allness of God my Momentum in the Violet Flame as Mercy, Forgiveness and Love, so that one may try once more to hold on to the Hand of God. Time and again there are those that have reported and given witness to some miraculous occasion in their life that assisted in bringing forth an action of God that they felt unworthy to receive, and yet the manifestation was its own witness to the Presence of God that had intervened in their life.

many of you still struggle and know not why you have not received the Blessings of your own God Presence, why the Ascended Masters have not stood in your Presence and parted the way for you to see what was the next step for your life stream to take.

Magnified Healing Vibration that would Heal, Prosper, Illumine, and ultimately bring Peace to all about you. This, Blessed Hearts, is the commitment that you must consciously make every moment of every day.

"No day is an exception. When this becomes the pattern that you allow as the fulfillment of your good works through your thoughts, through your emotions, through your actions, then you will begin to understand how important it is to be in a constant state of surrender to your own God Presence.

A Tarot Reading can give you the answer