
Crystal Healing

Since the beginning of time, crystals have proved to be of great value to mankind. Crystals are used to increase wealth, longetivity, relationships, and for power & popularity. They have curative powers as well as the power to pour in fortune & drive away evil. Certain crystals have the power of healing & fortune giving & have made life happier for many people.

Crystals can help with relaxation, self growth, stress reduction, increased self confidence, heightened awareness & self-awareness, increased spirituality, & restore balance to mind, body & spirit. Crystals also assist the body in shattering & throwing off that which is causing infection or disease.

The energies from crystals react from our aura of energy, energy in the area (office, home and vehicle) & make the balance of energies. They create strong energy fields, which enable us to be charged with their energies; they activate our abilities, soothe & comfort, heal & balance through the purity & directness of their beams.

Choose Your Crystal with Shaeina Seth