Bombay Times
The place where a person stays is actually based on his birth horoscope. A person's life can be predicted as per their horoscope on the basis of planetry positions, Certain changes in the house or office bring tremendous results. We conduct thes workshops so that people avail maximum benefits.
Sahasranjali healing is a scientifically proven healing wherein whoever does it becomes the cocreator with God. The person moves into a dimension of no time and the manifestation of desires is quick.
I did various forms of astrology like KP, nadi, vedic etc but somehow felt that at times the accuracy was lacking. So, I decide to work on these and combined them with numerology and elementology call sahashra astrology. I first match the important events of my client's live and once the matches 100 percent, I proceed with my readings. This leads to accurate results.
The moment I got into spirituality, my life became miraculously beautiful, I feel blessed that I chose this path, not only for myself but to help others so that their life can become abundant as well. It makes me feel complete when people show such and overwhelming response to my therapies and allow me to show a spark of light in their life.
Bombay Times
Yes, And I must tell that tantra is not evil or black magic. It is a balance of the outer and inner world. I use tantra for generating worldly prosperity and to cut black energies, nazar doshas etc. It is a pure and powerful energy.
Along with my guru and my mother Aarika Marwah, we have been doing seminars and workshops on various platforms. There are professional courses on tarot, chaldean and pythagorus numerology, modern vastu, astrology, crystals, angels and of course various healing modalities.
Sahasranjali meditation is a beautiful practice where we invoke a God of wish fullfillment and the Goddess of wealth love and power. It paves the way to creating a worldly life and help one achieve what they desire. It is three-day workshop combined with angel headings practice and angel card reading. New batches will be starting soon.
We celebrate this day to show our gratitude to the universe. Anybody, who wants to come, is invited for a free aura cleansing, healing session and general zen tarot reading. I thank God, who has given me a chance to help people. If God has made me a channel, it is my responsibility to help people.
There are several workshops, classes and intensive courses offered by Antarman. We continue to research and develop new insights to present information pertinent to the continuing shifts in consciousness. In each workshop, you will be guided and supported in understanding the dramatic changes we all experience, to prepare for the shifts of energy and to feel and experience your own self-empowerment. Every workshop, class or intensive course provides you with tools and simple techniques for use in your day-to-day life as you progress on your own path of spirituality toward your own truths. We are at a time where all information is collapsing onto this very moment and there are no longer any secrets.
Since 2000, we’ve had the opportunity to interact with hundreds of people in various public platforms, institutions and organizations. Leading workshops, classes and making presentations on different modalities of Healing, Self Hypnosis Communication Skills, Colours, Creative Visualisation and Meditations.
What is so unique about King's Vastu Guidelines?
Everybody wants to live a rich and a prosperous life. The study of various shastras shows that a king's vastu guidelines were different from a common man, Here, we don't just adopt generic vastu guidance but he vastu, which brings one wealth, happiness and better relationships.
You hold various events and sessions, please elaborate...
Along with the astro numero, we also do karma vastu consultation. We regularly hold various workshops and seminars including astro karma vastu professional course, zen tarot course and the popular Sahasranjali Kriya so that people cannot only imporve their own lives but help others as well.
Tell us more about your diving day celebration...
It is ope to any who wants to come for karma healing, aura cleansing and zen guidance at minimal energy exchange so that everbody can ease the problems in their life.