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Helping change lives for the better

Bombay Times

New age astro and vastu guru Shaeina Seth has thousands of followers in India and abroad. Along with her accurate Sahasra astrology, her Sahasranjali Kriya and Karma Vastu are also popular. Shaeina, along with Grand Master Aarika Marwah, believes that only by doing up houses, factories and offices on the basis of vastu cannot make anyone rich or successful. Says Shaeina, "If somebody is going through a bad dasha, there will be difficulties. I combine Sahasra astrology, numerology and zen guidance with vastu to get positive results. Doing only vastu is incomplete. As per our karma nad what we are carrying from our past lives, we not only have to rectify houses but also change our destiny, which is in our hands with the help of Sahasra astrology."

What is so unique about King's Vastu Guidelines?

Everybody wants to live a rich and a prosperous life. The study of various shastras shows that a king's vastu guidelines were different from a common man, Here, we don't just adopt generic vastu guidance but he vastu, which brings one wealth, happiness and better relationships.

You hold various events and sessions, please elaborate...

Along with the astro numero, we also do karma vastu consultation. We regularly hold various workshops and seminars including astro karma vastu professional course, zen tarot course and the popular Sahasranjali Kriya so that people cannot only imporve their own lives but help others as well.

Tell us more about your diving day celebration...

It is ope to any who wants to come for karma healing, aura cleansing and zen guidance at minimal energy exchange so that everbody can ease the problems in their life.

Sahasranjali healing helps make a positive difference, says astro and vastu expert

Bombay Times

New age astro and vastu guru Shaeina Seth has thousands of followers in India as well as abroad. Her sarhasra astrolgoy, sahasranjali kriya and astro vastu are said to be powerful techniques. Lately, Shaeina along with astro vastu guru Aarika Marwah, have been organising several work shops on sahasranjali healing and astro vastu that has changed people's lives for the better by helping them grasp new opportunities and achieve personal growth. In a quick tete-a-tete Shaeina talks about astro vastu and how it makes a difference.

What is astro vastu?

The place where a person stays is actually based on his birth horoscope. A person's life can be predicted as per their horoscope on the basis of planetry positions, Certain changes in the house or office bring tremendous results. We conduct thes workshops so that people avail maximum benefits.

Why is sahasranjali healing considered so powerful?

Sahasranjali healing is a scientifically proven healing wherein whoever does it becomes the cocreator with God. The person moves into a dimension of no time and the manifestation of desires is quick.

Why do you say that your predictions cannot be challenged?

I did various forms of astrology like KP, nadi, vedic etc but somehow felt that at times the accuracy was lacking. So, I decide to work on these and combined them with numerology and elementology call sahashra astrology. I first match the important events of my client's live and once the matches 100 percent, I proceed with my readings. This leads to accurate results.

Can you tell us about your inititiation into this field?

The moment I got into spirituality, my life became miraculously beautiful, I feel blessed that I chose this path, not only for myself but to help others so that their life can become abundant as well. It makes me feel complete when people show such and overwhelming response to my therapies and allow me to show a spark of light in their life.

Helping people through Astrology

Bombay Times

New age astro guru Shaeina Seth has thousands of followers both in India as well as abroad. Her sahasta astrology is said to be fairly accurate and in a quick tete-a-tete, she reveals more about her predictions, meditation techinques and more... Why do you say that your predictions cannot be challeged? I did various forms of astrology like vedic, nadi, KP etc but somewhere I felt that sometimes the accuracy was lacking. So, I worked on all of these and created a new form combining it with numerology and elementology called sahasra astrology. I first match the various important events of my client's life and once that is 100 percent matched. I proceed with my readings. This leads to accurate results

Do you use tantra as well?

Yes, And I must tell that tantra is not evil or black magic. It is a balance of the outer and inner world. I use tantra for generating worldly prosperity and to cut black energies, nazar doshas etc. It is a pure and powerful energy.

You also conduct a lot of seminars and workshops...

Along with my guru and my mother Aarika Marwah, we have been doing seminars and workshops on various platforms. There are professional courses on tarot, chaldean and pythagorus numerology, modern vastu, astrology, crystals, angels and of course various healing modalities.

What is so unique about sahasranjali meditation?

Sahasranjali meditation is a beautiful practice where we invoke a God of wish fullfillment and the Goddess of wealth love and power. It paves the way to creating a worldly life and help one achieve what they desire. It is three-day workshop combined with angel headings practice and angel card reading. New batches will be starting soon.

Tell us about your Divine Day Celebration.

We celebrate this day to show our gratitude to the universe. Anybody, who wants to come, is invited for a free aura cleansing, healing session and general zen tarot reading. I thank God, who has given me a chance to help people. If God has made me a channel, it is my responsibility to help people.

Shaeina Seth

Astro Vastu Guru Acharya Shaeina Seth started her spiritual journey of guiding and counselling at a very young age. In last ten years she along with her guru/mother Aarika, have been helping people in improving all aspects of their life.

With the combination of her clairvoyant abilities and immense knowledge of Astrology, Numerology, Tarot and Tantra Vidya, Shaeina gives an insight look into every situation in a positive way and promises those who come to her to make their future Abundant in terms of Joy, Happiness, Relationships, Health, Finance and overall well being.

Shaeina has also mastered Angel Card Reading, Angel Therapy, Runes Casting, Wicca, Candle Magick, Magick, Spell Casting, Crystal Therapy, Candle Gazing, Mind Power, Providing the Solutions of Curses, Negativity, Psychic attacks, Angel Magick, Tarot Spells, Spell Kits, Spell Casting for Love, Relationships, Money, Legal Issue, etc.

Shaeina and Aarika together have been conducting seminars, workshops, and counselling sessions helping people to brighten their future and bring joy and happiness to themselves.

Aarika Marwah

Aarika Marwah is pioneer in the field of Personal and Spiritual Development.

Practicing as a spiritual and intuitive counsellor and a Life Coach for last twenty five years, Aarika provides insights to you so that you can improve all aspects if your life including Money and Finances, Love and Relationships, Health, Job and Career and Business, Education and much more.

Aarika gives you an indepth look into your situation through ASTROLOGY NUMEROLOGY and TAROT CARD READING AND VASTU CONSULTATION She has mastered various modalities of healing like REIKI, KARUNA REIKI, MAGNIFIED HEALING, CRYSTAL HEALING, ANGEL HEALING ETC.

According to Aarika, NOTHING IS SO GOOD THAT IT CANT GET BETTER. Help yourself by connecting with the UNIVERSAL POWER through ANTARMAN, a reflection of your soul.

Astro Vastu Guru Acharya Shaeina Seth

Shaeina Seth is a born spiritual and intutive counsellor and the Founder of Sarhasra Astrology. Master in vedic and Nadi Astrology, Numerology and Tarot Reading at a very young age. Shaeina's personal clientele consist of industrialists, actors and many others from various field.

Shaeina has successfully been giving guidance for personal growth and a happy life Giving Solutions and having a belief that every lock has a key and one just needs an insight. Shaeina has been holding Various Healing and Mind Training workshops too.

According to Shaeina No Doshas, No Dashas, No Plannet can affect negatively. She Says there shouldn't be any HOROSCOPIC FEAR which generally commercial astrologers tell. The predictions of SHAEINA'S SARHASRA ASTROLOGY are so accurate that they can not be challenged.

Shaeina assures that every plannet, dasha etc. are ready to give you everything you want even if it is negatively affecting you. Some times dashas, planets, number vibrations are good but still an individual faces lot of problems. Shaeina has mastered Tantra Vidya and cuts the black energies, nazar doshas, etc with the pure powerful energies.

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